What Is a Feral Cat?

A feral cat is an untamed cat. Feral cats are unowned and live alone or in colonies of cats. A feral cat may be adopted, but you must take some precautions before introducing the cat in your home, to make sure you are safe.

Feral Cat Behavior

The behavior of feral cats may be different from the behavior of domesticated ones. Feral cats are not used to interacting with humans, and may become aggressive towards you or other pets in your house. If you choose to adopt a feral cat, make sure to contact a feral cat organization for suitable training tips. A feral cat should be kept in a secluded place for the first weeks in the house, and gradually introduced to the other pets and members of the family.

A feral cat will spray to mark territory, and his urine may carry viruses. Take the cat to a vet and perform urine tests, blood tests and a physical analysis to make sure you are not in danger.

An adopted feral cat should be neutered. This can reduce his aggressive behavior and the spraying. A neutered feral will hunt less.

Feral Cat Diet

Feral cats feed on mice, birds, rabbits or small animals. If a feral cat is brought to a household, the cat's diet must be a high-protein content food, with lots of meat.

Zoonotic Diseases

Feral cats may be carriers of zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that humans can contract from infected cats. Even a scratch from a feral cat can give you rabies, so you need to vaccinate him as soon as possible. Feral cats may also have parasites and fleas, so you might need medication, baths with special shampoo and ointments.


If you adopt a feral cat, you need to vaccinate him to avoid infection with bacteria and other parasites that he might transmit to humans or other pets.

Feral Cat Lifespan

Typically, feral cats have shorter lifespans than house cats. Stray cats that live in colonies may live for up to 5 years, while a feral living alone rarely lives more than 2 years.

Domesticated cats live 12 to 16 years on average.

Feral Cat Disputes

Due to the aggressive behavior and potential danger that feral cats present for humans and other pets, there are people who want to exterminate feral felines. On the other hand, there are programs that defend feral cats, considering extermination an extreme measure.

These programs have volunteers who capture feral cats, vaccinate them, neuter them, treat them for parasites and release them into their environment, as vaccinated and neutered feral felines do not represent a danger. By neutering stray cats, the number of feral felines is kept under control.

Feral cats may be domesticated, but your task will be more difficult. Feral cats tend to hunt and they will frequently bring you dead mice and birds. If adopted at an early age, a feral cat may easily adapt to house life.

