Treating a Cat Urinary Tract Infection

A cat urinary tract infection is not only a health issue but the sprayed urine also fills your home with an unpleasant odor. The health risks of an untreated urinary tract infection in cats lead to kidney disease and often kidney failure, which is fatal.

Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection

When a cat suffers from tract urinary infection, he will spray around the house and avoid going to the litter box. This can also be a symptom of stress. In case of urinary infection, urinating is painful and the cat associates the pain with the litter box. The cat will also urinate in the sink, bathtub and usually the amount of urine is smaller than usual. There might be urine in the blood. The cat will also lick himself more than usual. However, there are many cases when cats don't show any symptom at all.

Treating the Urinary Problem

After a proper diagnosis, the cat with a urinary tract infection will get antibiotics. A high dosage of antibiotics is needed for severe cases, and sometimes even surgery. In addition, your vet might prescribe some medication for the pain, because the cat with a tract urinary infection is in a lot of pain.

The antibiotics have side-effects, so in case your cat suffers from lower urinary tract disease you can opt for a homeopathic treatment (likely to have limited side effects).

Proper Cat Diet for UTI Treatment

The cat's diet is part of the feline UTI treatment and may help in preventing future recurrences of the disease.

The cat must drink a lot of water while under treatment; make sure that the water is always fresh and clean.

After the disease is cured, you must pay special attention to your cat's diet to prevent new infections. Cat UTI may be a recurrent condition. Wet food should be predominant in your cat's diet. Unprocessed foods are also recommended. Add supplements of magnesium in your cat's diet.

In case the tests show that there are bladder stones or crystals, a special diet must be followed. The diet should be kept for 6 weeks and is meant to change the PH of the cat's urine, which will dissolve the crystals. After these are eliminated, the cat will have to be on a preventive diet to avoid the formation of other crystals.

The urinary tract infection is not a common disease, affecting only 10% of cats, but may be fatal. Watch out for any of the symptoms and test your cat for the urinary tract infection. You will need to collect a urine sample.

