Symptoms of Liver Inflammation in Dogs

Liver inflammation in dogs does not occur on its own and without some other cause. This is, nonetheless, a very serious condition that you must be aware of if you're going to carefully monitor your pet's health. Liver inflammation is a symptom, in itself, of more serious conditions that can affect your pet. Thus, it's important to recognize what is causing the liver inflammation as soon as possible so that you can get your dog the proper treatment as quickly as possible. Here are some of the most common symptoms of liver inflammation in your dog.

Loss of Appetite

As the liver becomes enlarged abnormally, it not only takes up some of the space that would otherwise be occupied by your dog's full stomach, but also it generates certain hormones in your pet's blood supply that indicate to the dog that he doesn't require as much food. Be on the lookout for a loss of appetite, particularly in dogs that would otherwise jump at every chance to eat any food that they can find.

Mild Hacking and Coughing

It's not uncommon to see a dog with a liver inflammation issue appear to cough softly. This may be easily confused with your dog hacking as if he were going to throw up, but you'll notice upon further inspection that your pet continues to hack and cough without actually disgorging anything.

Blue Eyes

If your pet's eyes have a faint blue tinge to them, this could be a symptom of an inflamed or otherwise damaged liver. Get in the habit of regularly checking your pet's eyes, particularly as your dog gets older. This way you'll be better equipped to notice when he appears different from usual.

Increased Drinking and Urinating

Dogs with expanded livers often drink much more water than dogs that are otherwise healthy. Watch out for your pet's fluid intake, and take note if his water bowl is frequently empty or if he seems to wait by the water for you to refill it more than normal. Along with the increased intake of fluids will be an increased need to urinate. Pay attention to how many times per day your pet urinates so that you have a good basis for comparison if you notice something out of the ordinary.

Abdominal Distension

In severe cases of liver inflammation, you may be able to visually notice that your pet has a distended or enlarged abdomen. This can cause a number of problems for your pet in terms of comfort, so you may be aware of the issue most when he appears to have difficulty lying down or sitting up.

Any of these symptoms can also be associated with several other types of conditions, so it will be up to your veterinarian to determine whether the liver is inflamed by means of a biopsy or a set of blood tests. Respond as quickly as you can at the first sign of these symptoms in order to properly treat your pet.

