Cat Formulary - VetInfo

Cat Formulary - VetInfo
All medications to be given orally unless otherwise noted. IM = intramuscular injection; IP = intraperitoneal injection; SC = subcutaneous injection; IV = intravenous injection
Drug Available Formulations Indication Dosage Major Precautions /Notes
acemannan Acemanan Rx 2mg/kg IP or SC per week x 6 weeks we do not use this medication in our practice
acepromazine PromAce Rx, generics; 10mg/ml inj., 2mg, 5mg, 10mg tablets 1) Sedation, car sickness

2) Preanesthesia

1) up to 1mg/lb, lower dosages often work well

2) 0.01 to 0.02mg/lb

acetaminophen Tylenol Rx NONE Never administer acetaminophen to cats!
acetazolamide Diamox 125mg, 250mg glaucoma 4-8mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours
acetylcysteine Mucomyst Rx 1) Tylenol toxicity

2) eye ulcers

1) 140mg/kg followed by 70mg/kg q4hrs x 5 doses

2) 2% solution topically q2hr

Adequan (polysulfated-glycosaminoglycan) 100mg/ml arthritis, chronic cystitis 4.4mg/kg IM usually given weekly for 5 doses then every 3 weeks
albendazole Valbazen 113.6mg/ml suspension 1) coccidia

2) giardia

1) 25-50mg/kg every 12hr x 3 days

2) 25mg/kg every 12hr x 2 days

albuterol Ventolin or Proventil 2,4,5mg tablets, 2mg/5ml syrup 20-50ug/kg every 6 hrs may use 100ug/kg for brief periods;

available in inhalant form

aluminum carbonate gel Basalgel 500mg capsules 10 to 30 mg/kg with meals or every 8 hrs
aluminum hydroxide Amphojel 64mg/ml oral suspension, 600mg tablet 10-30mg/kg with meals or every 8 hrs.
amikacin Amiglyde-V, generics 5mg/ml injection 5mg/kg SC or IV Use with caution in cats, causes kidney failure in some patients
aminopentamide Centrine, 0.2mg tablet, 0.5mg/ml injection vomiting 0.1mg/cat every 8 to 12 hours not very effective
aminophylline generics bronchodilation 6.6mg/kg every 12 hrs
amitraz Mitban demodectic mange use 1/2 of dog strength (10.6ml per 4 gal water)
amitriptyline Elavil, 10mg, 25mg, 50mg tabs 1) painful urination

2) inappropriate urination

1) 5mg to 10mg/cat once daily at night

2) 1 to 2mg/kg every 12 hrs

amlodipine Norvasc high blood pressure 2.5mg tablets 0.625mg (1/4th tab) every 24hrs, may give up to 1.25mg/day if necessary
ammonium chloride generics urinary acidification 800mg/cat (around 1/4th tsp usually) mix with food
amoxicillin Amoxi-Tabs, Amoxi-Drops, others; 50mg, 100mg tabs, 50mg/ml oral suspension antibiotic 10mg/lb every 12 hours
amoxicillin/clav-ulanic acid Clavamox, 62.5mg/ml oral suspension, 62.5mg, 125mg tabs antibiotic 62.5mg every 8 to 12 hours per cat
ampicillin generics antibiotic 10mg/lb
amprolium Corid; 20% powder, 9.6% solution coccidia approximately 1.25gm/day
aspirin generics, 81mg tablets 1) inflammation

2) platelet inhibition in cardiomyopathy

1) 10 to 20mg/kg every 48hrs

2) 81mg every 48hrs

some dosing schedules call for every 72 hr use since aspirin can be toxic to cats
atenolol Tenormin; 25mg, 50mg tablets, 25mg/ml oral suspension 1) heart arrhythmia's

2) hypertension

6.25 to 12.5mg/cat every 12 hrs
aurothioglucose Solganol 50mg/ml injection immune mediated diseases 0.5 to 1mg/cat every 7 days (intramuscular injection)
azathioprine Imuran; 50mg tablets immune mediated diseases 1mg/kg every 48hrs use in cats carries a high risk for liver failure
azithromycin Zithromax, 1gm packets for suspension, 250mg tablets chronic upper airway disease 5mg/kg daily for 3 days, then every 2 to 3 days mixing partial packets is acceptable if measured carefully
AZT Retrovir; 10mg/ml syrup Feline immuno- deficiency virus 15mg/kg every 12 hr (higher dosages have been used) It is considered best to use this for 3 weeks or less
Benazepril Lotensin; 5mg, 10mg tablets high blood pressure 0.25 to 0.5mg/kg every 24 hrs
bethanechol Urecholine; 5mg tablets 1.25 to 5mg/cat every 8 hours
bismuth subsalicylate Pepto-Bismol; 262mg/15ml 1ml/kg every 8hrs Use regular strength only; use with caution due to salicylates
buspirone Buspar; 5mg and 10mg tablets 1) urine marking

2) aggression

2.5 to 5mg/cat every 12 to 24 hours NOTE: often given to the cat being attacked when used for aggression and may cause increase in this cat's aggressive tendencies
butorphanol Torbutrol; 1, 5 and 10mg tablets 1) coughing

2) pain relief

1) 0.55mg/kg every 6 to 8 hrs

2) 1.5mg/kg every 4 to 6 hours

only moderately effective for pain relief
calcitriol Rocaltrol chronic renal failure 2.5 to 3ng/kg every 24 hrs

note that this is nanograms/kg

dosage depends on calcium and phosphorous levels, usually must be formulated by compounding pharmacies, controversial effectiveness
calcium carbonate Tums, generics, available calcium varies dietary requirements, phosphate binder 60 to 100mg/kg per day
calcium lactate generics dietary requirements 0.2 to 0.5gm/cat/day usually given in divided doses with meals
captopril Capoten; 25mg tablet 3.12 to 6.25mg/cat every 8 hours
carbenicillin Geocillin; 500mg tablet antibiotic 10mg/kg every 8 hours
carimazole Neo-mercazole hyperthyroidism 5mg/cat every 8 hrs first week, then every 12 hrs not available in the United States, available in Europe
carprofen Rimadyl The formulations available in the US should not be used in cats
cascara segrada Nature's Remedy; 100mg tablets constipation 1 to 2mg/kg/cat/day
castor oil generics, 100% solution 4 to 10ml/day
cefaclor Ceclor; 25mg/ml oral suspension antibiotic 4 to 20mg/kg every 8 hrs
cefadroxil Cefa-Tabs; 50mg, 100mg; Cefa-Drops 50mg/ml antibiotic 22mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours
cefixime Suprax 1) general antibiotic

2) urinary tract infections

1) 10mg/kg every 12 hrs

2) 5mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours

cephalexin Keflex, generic antibiotic 10 to 15mg/lb every 12 hours
chlorambucil Leukeran; 2mg tablet 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg every 48hrs may start with every 24hr usage
chloramphenicol generics; 30mg/ml oral suspension, 250mg capsules antibiotic 12.5 to 25mg/kg every 12 hours handle cautiously, minor exposure can be toxic to humans
chlorothiazide Diuril; 50mg/ml oral suspension diuretic 20-40mg/kg every 12 hours
chlorpheniramine maleate Chlortrimeton, generics; 4mg tablets antihistamine 2mg/cat every 12 hours
cimetidine Tagamet; 100, 200, 300mg tablets 1)ulcers

2)gastrointestinal protectant

1)10mg/kg every 8 hrs

2) 2.5 to 5mg every 12 hours

cisapride Propulsid; 10mg tablet megacolon, constipation 2.5 to 5mg/cat every 8 to 12 hours available from compounding pharmacies
clindamycin Antirobe; 25mg capsules, 25mg/ml syrup antibiotic, 1)commonly used for oral infections

2)anaerobic infections

3) toxoplasmosis

1) 5.5mg/kg every 12 hrs or 11mg/kg every 24 hours

2) 11mg/kg every 12hrs or 22mg/kg every 24 hrs

3) 12.5mg/kg every 12 hours

clofazimine Lamprene; 50mg and 100mg capsules 1mg/kg every 24 hours but do not exceed 4mg per day
clomipramine Clomicalm (veterinary), Anafranil (human), 5, 10mg tablets behavioral disorders 1 to 5mg per cat every 12 to 24 hours
clonazepam Klonopin, 0.5, 1 and 2mg tablets 0.5mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours
clorazepate Tranxene; 3.75, 7.5, 11.25 and 15mg tablets 2mg/kg every 12 hours
cloxacillin Cloxapen; 25mg/ml oral suspension anitibiotic 20 to 40mg/kg every 8 hours
codeine generics, 15 mg tablets, 5mg/ml syrup, 3mg/ml solution 1)cough suppressant

2) pain relief

1) 0.1 to 0.3mg/kg every 4 to 6 hrs

2) 0.5 to 1mg/kg every 4 to 6 hours

narcotics may cause extreme excitement in some cats so must be used cautiously
cholchicine generic, 500ug and 600ug tablets (0.5, 0.6mg) 0.1 to 0.3mg/kg every 24 hours not used very often in cats


Cytoxan; 25 and 50mg tablets 6.25 to 12.5mg/cat once daily for 4 days, then 3 days off
cyclosporine (oral) Sandimmune; 100mg/ml oral solution, 25mg capsules 4 to 6mg/kg every 12 hours
cyclosporine ophthalmic Optimmune 0.2%

compounded drops of 1% or 2% in olive or corn oil

ointment: apply a 1/4th inch strip every 12 hours

drops: 1 drop every 12 hours

cyproheptadine Periactin; 4mg tablet, 2mg/5ml syrup 1) appetite stimulant

2) asthma

1) 2mg per cat every 24 hours

2) 1.1mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours

dantrolene Dantrium; 100mg capsule 0.5 to 2mg/kg every 12 hours
dexamethasone Azium and generics; injection 2mg/ml, 4mg/ml, tablets 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 0.75mg, 1mg, 1.5mg, 2mg, 4mg and 6mg 1) inflammation

2) shock

3) spinal injury

4) dexamethasone suppression testing

1) 0.1mg/kg every 24 to 72 hrs

2 and 3) 2.2 to 4.4mg/kg IV

4) 0.1mg/kg IV, take samples pre and 4 and 8hrs post injection



many forms cough suppression 0.5 to 2mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours most OTC forms make cats salivate profusely
diazepam Valium; 5mg/ml injection, 2mg, 5mg tablets 1) seizures

2) inappropriate urination

3) appetite stimulant

1) 0.5mg/kg IV or rectally

2) 2mg/cat every 12 hours

3) 0.2mg/kg IV (less often works)

diazepam can cause sudden severe liver failure in cat in rare cases so it should be used cautiously


Daranide; 50mg tablet 3 to 5mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours
dichlorvos Task; 10mg and 25mg tablets deworming (hook, round, whip worms) 11mg/kg organophosphate
diethylstilbestrol (DES) only available through compounding pharmacies urinary incontinence 0.05 to 0.1mg/cat every 24 hours or longer based on effect
difloxacin Dicural; 11.4, 45.4 and 136mg tablets antibiotic (fluoroquinolone class) 5 to 10mg/kg once a day
digoxin Lanoxin, Cardoxin; 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25mg tablets, 0.05 and 0.15mg/ml elixir 0.08 to 0.01mg/kg every 48hrs
diltiazem Cardizem; 30mg tablets
dimhenhydrinate Dramamine; 50mg tablets 12.5mg/cat every 8 hours (1/4th tablet)
diphenoxylate Lomotil; 2.5mg tablets to control diarrhea .0.5 to 0.1mg/kg every 12 hours
ducosate (dioctyl-sodium-

suflosuccinate, DSS)

many OTC brands stool softener 50mg/cat every 12 to 24 hours do not use at the same time as any mineral oil or petrolatum based product
doxycycline generics; 50mg capsules, 100mg capsules or tablets; 10mg/ml oral suspension antibiotic 3 to 5mg/kg every 12 hours or 10mg/kg every 24 hours Give at least 6cc of water immediately after administering capsules or tablets
enalapril Enacard, Vasotec; 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg tablets hypertension 0.25 to 0.5mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours most commonly used once daily
enrofloxaxin Baytril; 5.7mg, 22.7mg tablets antibiotic 5 to 20mg/kg/day may cause blindness when given at higher dosages, 5mg/kg every 12 hours not likely to cause this
Epsiprantel Cestex; 12.5mg, 25mg tablets kills tapeworms 12.5mg once for cats <9 lbs, 25mg once for cats 9+ lbs. can use 2.75mg/kg dosing if necessary
erythromycin generics; 250mg tablet antibiotic 10 to 20mg/kg every 8 to 12 hrs may cause vomiting
etretinate Tegison; 10 and 25mg capsules 2mg/kg/day
famotidine Pepcid AC; 10mg tablet GI protectant 0.5mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours usually used once daily in cats
fenbendazole Pancur Granules 22.7:; 100mg/ml liquid dewormer 50mg/kg/day for 3 days
fentanyl transdermal patch Duragesic; 25ug size pain relief Apply 1 patch every 5 days good pain reliever for post surgical pain
ferrous sulfate OTC iron supplement 50 to 100mg/cat every 24 hours
florfenical Nuflor injectable; 300mg/ml antibiotic 22mg/kg every 12 hours of the injectable liquid given orally
fluconazole Diflucan; 50mg, 100mg tablets antifungal 50mg/cat every 12 to 24 hours usually given once daily
flucytosine Ancobon; 75mg/ml oral suspension 25 to 50mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours
fludrocortisone Flurinef; 0.1mg tablets hypoadrenocorticism 0.1 to 0.2mg/cat every 24 hours
fluoroscein dye use the strips for eye staining, put 3 to 6 strips in a capsule to differentiate which cat is urinating inappropriately in a group give 1 capsule of strips and watch for green urine or fluorescent urine with a black light
fluoxetine Prozac; 10mg and 20mg capsules, 4mg/ml oral solution behavioral disorders 1mg/kg every 24 hours, usually no more than 5mg/cat/day
furosemide Salix; 12.5mg, 50mg tablets diuretic 1 to 4mg/kg up to three times a day water intake must not be restricted when using diuretics
gemfibrozil Lopid; 300mg capsules 7.5mg/kg every 12 hours
glipizide Glucotrol; 5mg and 10mg tablets diabetes mellitus 2.5 to 7.5mg/cat every 12 hours usually start with 2.5m/cat, average dose 5mg/cat


Cosequin, many OTC brands; 500mg/400mg tablets arthritis 1/2 to 1 tablet per day
glyburide Glynase, others; 1.25mg, 2.5mg and 5mg tablets 0.2mg/kg every 24 hours
glycerin generic oral solutions 1 to 2mg/kg every 8 hours
griseofulvin, microsize Fulvicin U/F; 125mg, 250mg, 500mg tablets, 25mg/ml oral suspension and 125mg/ml oral syrup ringworm 50mg/kg every 24 hours
griseofulvin, ultramicrosize Fulvicin P/G; GrisPEG; 100mg, 125mg, 165mg, 250mg, 330mg tablets ringworm 15mg/kg every 12 hours (30mg/kg/day)
hydralazine Apresoline; 10mg tablet 2.5mg/cat every 12 to 24 hours


HydroDiuril; 25mg, 50mg tablets, 10 and 100mg/ml oral solution diuretic 2 to 4mg/kg every 12 hours
hydrocortisone Cortef; 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets 1)corticosteroid replacement therapy

2) anti-


1) 1 to 2mg/kg every 12 hours

2) 2.5 to 5mg/kg every 12 hours

hydroxyurea Hydrea; 500mg capsules 25mg/kg once a day for 3 days of each week
imipramine Tofranil; 10mg, 25mg, 50mg tablets 2 to 4mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours
interferon alpha Roferon; 3 million unit vial for injection immune modulator 15 to 30U per cat once a day, usually used 7 days on/7off the injectable solution is diluted and given orally
ipecac syrup to induce vomiting 2 to 6ml (about 1/4th to 1 teaspoonful)
isotretinoin Accutane; 10, 20 and 40mg tablets 1 to 3mg/kg every 24 hours
itraconazole Sporanox; 100mg capsules fungal infections 1.5 to 5.0mg/kg every 24 hours usually the capsules are opened and the contents mixed with butter, then divided equally into appropriate dosages
ivermectin Ivomec, Eqvalan; 10mg/ml solution (oral or injectable) mange 0.2 to 0.3mg/kg, once or twice for ear mites or cheyletiella mites, may need to be used for extended periods for demodectic mange
kaopectate Kaopectate 1 to 2ml/kg every 2 to 6 hours
ketoconazole Nizoral; 200mg tablet, 100mg/ml oral suspension fungal infections 5 to 10mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours
ketoprofen Orudis-KT (OTC); 12.5mg tablet non-steroidal anti-inflamma-

tory medication

1mg/kg every 24 hours for no more than 5 days
lactulose Chronulac, Enulose; 10gm/15ml 1)megacolon, constipation

2) hepatic encephalopathy

1) 1 to 5ml every 8 to 12 hours as necessary to keep stools soft

2) 2.5 to 5ml/cat every 8 hours

leucovorin Wellovorin; 5mg, 10mg, 15mg and 25mg tablets, 3 and 5mg/ml solutions antidote for pyrimethamine (Daraprim Rx) poisoning 1mg/kg every 24 hours
levamisole Levasole, Tamisol; 11.7gm/13gm packet 1) immune stimulant

2) lungworms

1) 0.5 to 2mg/kg usually every 48 to 72 hours

2) 20 to 40mg/kg every 24 hours for 5 days

levodopa Larodopa; 100mg tablets hepatic encephalopathy 6.8mg/kg first dose, then 1.4mg/kg every 6 hours
levothyroxine Soloxine, Thyro-Tabs; 0.1mg, 0.2mg tablets hypothyroidism (usually post therapy for hyperthyroidism) usually 0.1mg to 0.2mg/cat per day will work but adjust dosage by testing blood levels
lincomycin Lincocin; 100mg, 200mg tablets antibiotic 15 to 25mg/kg every 12 hours
liothyronine (T3) Cytomel; 60ug tablet T3 suppression testing for hyperthyroidism after drawing pre-test blood sample administer 7 doses of approximately 4.4ug/kg every 8 hours then draw blood for post test sample
loperamide Immodium AD; 2mg tablet, 0.2mg/ml liquid control diarrhea 0.08 to 0.16mg/kg every 12 hours most cats hate the liquid and will foam at the mouth for some time after administration
lufenuron Program; 135mg and 270mg suspension packets, may use equivalent tablets 1) flea control

2) ringworm

1) 30mg/kg on the same day each month

2) 80 to 100mg/kg two days in a row, then monthly until cultures are negative

magnesium citrate Citroma, Citro-Mag 2 to 4ml/kg
magnesium hydroxide Milk of Magnesia cathartic 2 to 6ml/cat
magnesium sulfate Epsom salts 2 to 6gm/cat
MCT oil OTCs 1 to 2ml/kg/day in food
mebendazole Telmintic dewormer (hooks, rounds, whips) 22mg/kg with food once a day for 3 days
meclizine Antivert; 12.5, 25 and 50mg tablets motion sickness 12.5mg once a day
megestrol acetate Ovaban, Megace; 5mg and 20mg tablets some dermatologic conditions, urine marking that won't respond to other medications 2.5 to 5mg/cat every 24 hours for one week then increase time between doses to longest effective interval can induce diabetes and mammary tumors, so use as last resort
Metamucil (psyllium preparations) fiber source 1/4th teaspoon once or twice a day mixed with food is most common recommended dosage
metaproterenol Alupent, Metaprel; 10 and 20mg tablets, 5mg/ml syrup, inhalers 0.325 to 0.65mg/kg every 4 to 6 hours
methazolamide Neptazane; 25 and 50mg tablets 2 to 6mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours
methanamine hippurate Hipres, Urex; 1 gram tablets 250mg/cat every 12 hours
methanimine mandelate Mandelamine; 1 gram tablet, 50 and 100mg/ml suspension 10 to 20mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours

(d,l methionine)

Uroeze, MethioForm; several forms 1 to 1.5 grams/cat mixed in food per day
methimazole Tapazole; 5mg and 10mg tablets, compounded to liquids and transdermal prepartions hyperthyroidism 2.5 to 15mg/cat every 12 to 24 hours (usually no more than 15mg/day), adjust dosage by evaluation of T4 levels transdermal preparations usually require lower dosing
methocarbamol Roaxin-V; 500 and 750mg tablets antidote for permethrin poisoning 22 to 44mg/kg every 8 hours as necessary to control tremoring Permethrin is in many OTC spot on flea control products made for dogs


Medrol; 1mg, 2mg, 4mg tablets corticosteroid 0.22 to 0.44mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours, use on alternate days for longer term use


Android, generics; 10 and 25mg tablets 2.5 to 5mg/cat every 24 to 48 hours
metoclopramide Reglan; 5mg, 10mg tablets, 1mg/ml oral solution to control vomiting 0.2 to 0.5mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours
metoprolol tartrate Lopressor; 50 and 100mg tablets 2 to 15mg/cat every 8 hours
metronidazole Flagyl, generics; 250mg and 500mg tablets, 50mg/ml suspension 1) anaerobic infections

2) giardia infection

3) inflammatory bowel disease

1) 10 to 25mg/kg every 24 hours

2) 17mg/kg every 24 hours for 8 days

3) 5 to 15mg/kg every 24 hours

long term use associated with cancer in laboratory animals
milbemycin oxime Interceptor; 2.3 and 5.75mg tablets heartworm prevention (approved) 0.5mg/kg on the same day each month
mineral oil OTC 10 to 25ml/cat every 24 hours mineral oil can be inhaled and causes inhalation pneumonia, so its use is questionable
minocycline Minocin; 50 and 100mg tablets, 10mg/ml suspension antibiotic 5 to 12.5mg/kg every 12 hours
naltrexone Trexan; 50mg tablet behavioral disorders 2.2mg/kg every 12 hours
neomycin Biosol; 200mg/ml oral suspension hepatic encephalopathy 10 to 20mg/kg every 6 to 12 hours
nitroglycerin ointment Nitrol, generics; 2% ointment 2 to 4mg topically (around 1/4th inch strip) every 12 hours
orbifloxacin Orbax; 5.7, 22.7mg tablets antibiotic, fluoroquinolone 2.5 to 7.5mg/kg every 24 hours
oxacillin generics; 250mg capsules, 50mg/ml oral solution antibiotic 22 to 44mg/kg every 8 hours
oxazepam Serax; 15mg tablets appetite stimulant 2.5mg/cat once daily use is probably best, if possible
oxytetracycline generic; 250mg tablets antibiotic 20 to 25mg/kg every 12 hours
paroxetine Paxil; 10mg tablets behavioral disorders 1/8 to 1/4th 10mg tablet once a day
d-penicillamine Cuprimine; 125mg capsules heavy metal poisoning antidote 10 to 15mg/kg use in cats is somewhat controversial
penicillin V Pen-Vee; 250mg and 500mg tablets antibiotic 10mg/kg every 8 hours rarely used
pentoxifylline Trental; 400mg tablets 1/4th of a 400mg tablet every 8 to 12 hours
phenobarbital generics; 15mg, 30mg, 60mg, 100mg tablets; 4mg/ml oral elixir seizure control 2 to 4mg/kg every 12 hours initially, adjust dosage by testing serum levels


Dibenzyline; 10mg capsule 2.5mg/cat every 8 to 12 hours
piperazine OTCs, solutions usually 170 or 340mg/ml for pets kills roundworms 44 to 66mg/kg repeat dosage at 2 week intervals
piroxicam Feldene; 10mg capsules pain relief, cancer therapy 0.3mg/kg every 48 hours
potassium bromide only available through compounding pharmacies seizure control 30 to 50mg/kg every 24 hours, loading dose usually used when given alone, monitor serum levels to establish long term dosage
potassium citrate
potassium gluconate Tumil-K, Renacare; 2mEq tablets, 2mEq/ 1/4th tsp powder and 2mEq/1/2 teaspoon gel potassium supplement 2 mEq per 10 lbs every 12 hours
potassium iodide 30 to 100mg/cat per day for 10 days
praziquantel Droncit; 23 and 34 mg tablets


