Stool Eating Deterrent for Dogs

Although stool eating is generally considered a behavioral issue in dogs, it is unhealthy and can cause an array of different health issues to arise. Most dog owners will find it difficult to stop this behavior because it appears to be somewhat natural for dogs. However, the best way to combat stool eating in dogs is to determine why the behavior is occurring and to find a stool eating deterrent which can effectively correct the issue.

Why Dogs Eat Stool

While some have suspected that stool eating in dogs may be caused by a nutritional deficiency, this is generally not the case. In rare cases, dogs suffering from malnutrition or those that are affected by a parasitic infection may turn to eating feces as a means of trying to correct their nutritional imbalance. Some dogs have also been known to eat the feces of animals which consume plants in an inherent attempt to replenish their vitamin B supply. However, stool eating based on nutritional deficiency is rare; and in most cases, stool eating in dogs is purely behavioral.

Some dogs turn to stool eating when they become anxious or stressed, such as when they have been kept in a cage for long periods of time or when they experience separation anxiety from their owners. Other times, a dog may eat his own stool when he has been previously punished for inappropriately defecting in order to conceal the evidence from his owners.

One theory about stool eating in dogs which has been proposed by the veterinary community is that wolves and coyotes, from which dogs descend, were natural feces eaters. This was an inherent behavior that they used to properly balance their supply of vitamins by eating the feces of animals that ate plants. The suggestion is that this instinct may have been passed down over the generations, although there is no veterinary evidence to support this claim.

Stool Eating Deterrents

There are several products on the market which can help control the unwanted behavior of eating feces. Here are some of the most common stool eating deterrents for dogs:

  • For-Bid: This is a crystalline protein product which can be mixed with normal dog food to help control stool eating behaviors. Once consumed, For-Bid leaves behind an unsavory taste which is realized once the dog begins to consume feces. This particular product has been found to be highly effective with no known reported side effects.
  • Dis-Taste: This stool eating deterrent works in the same fashion as For-Bid by leaving behind an unpleasant taste once the dog starts eating stool. This particular stool eating deterrent is available in tablets, power and bite size chewables.
  • 8-in-1 Deter Coprophagia Treatment – This stool eating deterrent also works as the others do, by altering the taste of feces.

It is important to keep in mind that stool eating behaviors are dangerous for dogs. Although it may be somewhat of a natural behavior in dogs, this habit allows for the transmission of diseases and parasites, particularly when dogs are eating the stool of horses, cats, rabbits and other animals consuming animals of the wild.

