The Side Effects of Metacam for Cats

Metacam for cats was originally used to treat arthritis. In time, metacam has proven to have analgesic effects and has been administered for severe pain.

What is Metacam

Metcam is also known as Miloxicam and is only available through prescription. It doesn't contain steroids.

Among cat pills, metacam is the most multivalent; it helps with arthritis, cancer, kidney disease and is a good medicine to administer post-surgery-to reduce inflammations and pain.

Metacam Side-Effects

The most common side-effects of metacam include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nose bleeds and weight loss.

More severe side-effects include stomach ulcers, internal bleeding and low blood supply to the renal area-which can lead to kidney failure. In rare cases, liver disease has been associated with the metacam treatment.

If you notice any of these side effects, signal these to your veterinarian and discontinue the treatment, if needed. In most of the cases, there are alternative drugs that can be prescribed. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of each medicine your cat takes.

