When selecting a pet it is important to consider several factors, including the presence of children. There are safe dogs for kids, while some dogs are not recommended for children as they may have a violent behavior. The dogs that are ideal for families with kids should be smart and with a medium energy level. Large dogs may not be recommended for families with toddlers, as they may be dangerous. Adult dogs that have been trained to stay with kids are also recommended, as puppies will need extra attention.
The Collie dogs are attentive and friendly dogs that are safe for kids of any ages. Collies are easy to train and will be able to adapt to a life around children. The Collie has a medium energy level, so he won’t require too much exercise and won’t act out when not given attention.
Bichon FriseThe Bichon Frise is a small sized dog that can be a great companion for kids. The dog will not require too much exercise and will do well around babies and toddlers.
English Bulldog
The English Bulldog is a medium sized dog that is ideal for families. Bulldogs are easy to train and will be obedient and happy to play with kids.
Bulldogs are also intelligent and affectionate.
Boxers belong to a friendly dog breed that is happy to be around children and won’t be aggressive. A Boxer may require more exercise, so it is more recommended for families with older kids or teenagers.
The Weimaraners or Weims are suitable for kids. Even if they are smaller in size, they have a great personality and can get along well with children. They are friendly and less likely to be aggressive when playing with kids.
Labradors are known to be intelligent and friendly dogs that are suitable for families with kids, despite their larger size.
These dogs have a higher energy level that is ideal for families with older kids, but they may adapt to a family with toddlers as well. Labradors are very affectionate and protective.
English Settler
Just like the Labradors, English Settlers are affectionate and ideal for kids or any ages, despite their larger size. Settlers are larger, but can adapt to indoor life and will not require as much exercise as other large dogs.
The English settler is a joyous, playful dog that will be a great play companion for kids of any ages.
The Beagles are gentle and affectionate dogs and are safe for families with kids of all ages. Beagles can be stubborn but if trained properly they will turn into faithful companions.
German Shepherds
German Shepherds are larger dogs but can be easily trained and make a great companion for kids. They are loyal and playful.
The kids must also be trained how to play with dogs. Any dog can become aggressive if not treated properly. Certain games such as tug games should be avoided, as these may make the dog bite and the kids can get injured.