Preventing Canine Health Problems: 5 Basic Tips

Canine health problems may occur no matter what you do to prevent them. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try; a number of canine health problems can be avoided by proper care alone.

Get Your Dog Vaccinated

Vaccinations against the infectious diseases rabies, parvo, canine hepatitis and canine distemper are key to preventing canine health problems and even death.

Get Regular Veterinary Check-Ups

Have your dog examined annually by a qualified veterinarian. Make sure your vet performs a yearly dental exam as well. These precautions can help to nip any emerging canine health problems in the bud.

Brush Your Dog's Teeth

Brushing your dog's teeth can prevent canine health problems associated with periodontitis, including heart and liver disease. If your dog can't adjust to having his teeth brush, feed dental treats and use an oral wash for dogs instead.

Watch Your Dog's Diet

Your dog can't watch his own diet, so you have to watch it for him. Don't feed table scraps, and do your best to prevent your dog following his natural scavenging instincts.

Feed your dog a food formulated to his needs. Puppies, seniors, pregnant and lactating dogs have specific dietary requirements.

Exercise Your Dog

Your dog needs a certain amount of exercise a day. Take him on two or three twenty to thirty minute walks each day. Supplement this occasionally with other fun activities, such as swimming, running, and playing outside. You can play with your dog inside, too; teach him tricks to tone his muscles and develop his brainpower.

