High Fiber Dog Treats

High fiber dog treats may have a number of benefits and may be recommended to certain dogs. However, these treats might not be beneficial for dogs with certain health problems. Treats that are high in fibers may have adverse effects.

Advantages of High Fiber Dog Treats

Giving your dog treats that are high in fiber content can be beneficial, especially for the digestive system. There are many commercial dog foods that don't contain sufficient amounts of fibers, and treats containing fiber supplements may be highly advantageous for the dog. An increased amount of fiber is also helpful for:

  • Obesity, as the fibers are not rich in calories, but will keep the dog full.
  • Reducing constipation and a bloated stomach, especially if the dog has chronic constipation due to his diet. Fibers will regulate the dog's metabolism.
  • Keeping the blood sugar at normal rates, as some fibers will reduce the sugar in the dog's system.
  • Reduce the chance of diabetes development by controlling the blood sugar.
  • Reduce chances of anal gland disease, by producing bulkier feces.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels and keep them at a normal rate.

Disadvantages of High Fiber Dog Treats

Certain dogs may not tolerate high fiber dog treats, because they may cause diarrhea. Fibers may be a solution to constipation and diarrhea as well. However, in some dogs, an excessive amount of fibers will lead to constant diarrhea. You need to consult your vet prior to administering any treats that are high in fibers.

How to Give High Fiber Treats

The introduction of treats that are high in fiber contents should be gradual, especially if the dog has a low fiber content in his normal diet. This is to prevent diarrhea during the first weeks, until the dog's system gets used to the treats.

Start by using one treat per day and alternate it with a different type of treat. In a week you can start giving two or three treats per day. After two or three weeks, you can give only high fiber treats to your dog.

High Fiber Dog Treats

The most recommended fiber dog treats are the ones that contain organic ingredients. These should be mentioned on the label and have the best effects on the dog's system. Non-organic ingredients in the treats may contain a number of fillers that come from untrustworthy sources such as paper.

Treats that are high in fibers can be made at home using simple ingredients such as:

  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Oat bran
  • Wheat
  • Rice bran
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Beets
  • Soybean hulls
  • Seeds

These ingredients should be organic and may be mixed and dried. Even fresh fruits or vegetables can be a great treat, but not all dogs appreciate these, so you may have to opt for a few commercial formulas.

