Dog Training for Behavior Modification in 8 Steps

Dog training behavior modification is based on changing your dog's attitude and responses. It's different from standard obedience training, which has a stronger focus on specific commands and teaching tricks.

1. Base your training on relaxation. Helping your dog stay calm is at the heart of behavior modification. 2. Don't show your dog fear or anger. Instead, create a healthy rapport between you and your dog based on leadership and respect. 3. Employ passive behavior modification. Manage your dog's aggressive behavior by teaching him to defer to you. You can do this by rewarding him correctly: give him treats only when he is in a calm state. 4. Utilize desensitization techniques. This is the process of honing in on the areas where your dog acts aggressive. Approach such behavior in a non-threatening way. If he shows aggression toward animals, start exposing him to other dogs from a distance. 5. Rely on counter conditioning in dog training behavior modification. This involves changing your dog's association with something through repetitive techniques. 6. Use positive techniques. Do not use violence to train your dog. Encourage him through kindness and respect. You will develop a stronger bond between the both of you and he will follow your commands better. 7. Reinforce repetition and consistency. Build and strengthen good habits by establishing routines and repeating behavior. Keep up the routines even after your dog learns the new behavior. 8. Pump up the exercise. The more activity your pet has the better he will do with his dog training behavior modification. Walking and retrieving activities will help him release anxiety and forgo bad behavior, like improper chewing.

