When a Dog Skin Disease Signals a Problem With Internal Organs

Certain dog skin disease occurrences signify the possibility of internal organ disease. Some dogs simply have parasites or allergies, but others may have a serious health problem. Your dog's health greatly benefits if you learn to identify key symptoms of different organ diseases before they become incurable.

Jaundice in Dogs

A yellow appearance to a dog's skin, gums and eyes signifies jaundice, a condition that occurs when red blood cells break down. Jaundice is a symptom of liver disease, including cancer and liver flukes.

Signs of Skin Cancer

Cutaneous Lymphosarcoma is a cancerous dog skin disease that appears as a red, itchy rash. Skin appears dry and flaky. If skin cancer remains untreated, it will spread to the internal organs.

Hair Loss

Hair loss in dog occurs for many reasons. One of the most common is a hormonal imbalance caused by improper thyroid function. While hypothyroidism is easily treated, it does impact the heart. Two key symptoms in hypothyroidism are weight gain and elevated blood cholesterol levels. Hyperthyroidism causes excessive weight loss, a faster heart rate and excessive urination due to increased water intake.

Look for Warning Signs

By itself, dog skin disease appears commonly due to allergens or a bacterial infection. If the appearance of the skin seems unusual and accompanies other symptoms like appetite changes, excessive thirst, lethargy, vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea or fever, contact your veterinarian. Caught early, many organ-related diseases are fully treatable.

