Dog Eye Infection Symptoms

A dog eye infection is not an uncommon occurrence. Several factors can cause a dog to have an infection of the eye, which will present itself with various symptoms.

Dog Eye Infection Types and Causes

An eye infection can occur in any breed of dog, but dogs that produce tears that stain are more prone to developing an infection. When a dog produces a lot of tears, the moisture can stay in the fur around the eyes for a longer period of time. This moisture attracts bacteria that can lead to an infection of the eye.

Dog pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a very common eye infection. When a dog gets conjunctivitis, the inside of his eyelid will become inflamed. This condition is often caused by bacteria or a virus. Conjunctivitis can be a chronic condition due to irritations entering the eye or the malfunction of the eyelids or eyelashes. On rare occasions, conjunctivitis is caused by an allergic reaction or a parasite.

Chronic dry eyes can also be a result of an infection that causes a dog to not produce a sufficient amount of tears. This condition is called keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Uveitis is an infection that causes inflammation on the inside part of a dog's eye. If not treated, uveitis can lead to blindness. Bacteria, viruses, fungus, protozoa and rickettsial can be the cause of an infection that leads to this condition.

Symptoms of Eye Infection in Dogs

Eye discharge is one of the number one symptoms of an infection in dogs. When the eye is infected, the mucous coming out of the eye can be thick and have a yellow color, or a green tint. This discharge, when not cleaned from the eye, can form a crust around the eye that can become very uncomfortable.

Swelling and redness of the eye and surrounding area is another classic symptom of an eye infection. The eyes will often be red because of the irritation the infection is causing. The part of the eye that is most often swollen is the eyelid.

Eye infections can cause a dog to squint. One reason behind this is because the eye is so swollen that it is hard for a dog to open his eye all the way. Another cause for squinting is due to the irritation he feels, which can also causehim m to blink a lot.

The discomfort of an eye infection may cause a dog to feel so bothered that he begins to paw at his infected eye. A dog pawing his face every once in a while is normal. When it happens too often, a dog could end up tearing his skin, causing it to bleed.

Other symptoms a dog may have when he has an eye infection include sensitivity to light, vision that is blurry and sores on the eye.

If not treated promptly and properly, a dog's eye infection can cause permanent damage or turn into a chronic condition.

