Dog Eye Care Essentials

The dog eye may result in perceptions distinct from those we experience, but this doesn't really effect the kind of care your dog's eyes require.

Keeping Dust Out of the Eyes

Swollen dog eyes and dog eye infections can be caused by debris, such as dirt and pollen. Avoid areas with unhealthy amounts of pollen, and check the air quality before going out for a walk. Clean your house frequently in order to keep clear of debris.

No matter how much your dog likes putting his head out the window, consider safety first. The wind can dry out your dog's eyes, which leads to swollen eyes and infection.

Long hair around the eyes can invite infection. Debris gets trapped in the hair, and can easily scratch your dog's eyes, causing corneal ulcers. When grooming your dog, cut this hair short. Afterwards, wash him with gentle, tear-free shampoo.

Exams Can Catch Eye Diseases

While dog eye cataracts are common, the list of dog vision problems goes on. Cherry eye, corneal ulcers, keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye), and retinal degeneration are some of the more frequent afflictions.

No matter what breed you own, be vigilant about yearly eye exams. Though purebreds are more susceptible to genetically transferred diseases, like cataracts, cherry eye and glaucoma, any dog can be affected. By diagnosing early, you can prevent any further damage to your dog's eyes.

If you notice your dog squinting frequently, having eye discharge or redness, contact a vet. Dog eyes should be moist and white, with firm skin surrounding the eye orbital..

Dog Dry Eye

Dog breeds with large eyes or allergies are frequently affected by dry eye. Though the problem is common, it can also be dangerous.

Dry eye can cause inflammation of the cornea, which encourages your dog to scratch at the uncomfortable site, causing further infection or corneal ulcer. If you notice your dog suffering from dry eye, take steps against escalation.

Clean your dog's eyes before administering any medication, removing foreign debris and discharge. Apply tear replacement products in order to moisten the eye. If this doesn't help, use a cyclosporine ointment to encourage tear production.

If your dog's eye becomes infected, talk to your vet. He can prescribe antibiotics or steroids in order to fight the infection.

Cataracts and Dog Eyes

Cataracts, which occur most frequently in purebred Cocker Spaniels, Huskies, terriers, Poodles and retrievers, occur when a cloudy film covers the eye lens. This can eventually cause blindness in your dog.

But, if caught early enough, cataracts can be reversed by a surgery carrying a 90% success rate. If you're too late, do your best to make life easier for your dog, by speaking frequently and keeping your walks on familiar paths.

