Cat Poison Prevention at Home

Cat poison is a substance that's toxic to cats and results in severe symptoms and sometimes death. There are various substances present in the home environment and outdoors that could be potential poisons to the cat. Many pets fall prey to accidental poisoning due to their curious and explorative nature. Although the cause of poisoning may go undetected, pets require prompt medical help.

Known Toxins Present at Home Include:

  • Houseplants and outdoors plants
  • Insecticides and pesticides
  • Household cleaning agents
  • Food ingredients
  • Medication

Household Plants

Pet owners that house cats should avoid growing certain houseplants that work as poisons to the pet. Common plants that are poisonous for cats include Easter lilies, tulips and sago palms.

Medicines and Pesticides

Certain medicines also cause adverse reactions on cats. Drugs such as acetaminophen and medicines that contain pyrethrins work as toxins in the cat's body. In order to avoid cat poisoning, it's best to obtain prescribed medication and avoid the use of over the counter products that may not be suited to individual cat needs. Certain pesticides also contain ingredients such as allethrin and permethrin. Although these pesticides may effectively kill outdoor pests, they are harmful to cats if ingested. Pesticide containers shouldn't be left within reach of pets and should be disposed off appropriately.

Food Ingredients

It's important to be aware of all common ingredients that don't agree with cats and cause adverse reactions. Foods that are dangerous for pets include onions, garlic, chives, chocolates, coffee and caffeine. It's also important to avoid giving pets any human food or treats.

Household Cleaning Agents

Several home cleaning agents or products such as paint or polishes contain concentrated chemicals that may be toxic to the pet. It's advisable to read the labels and use pet friendly cleaning agents at home. Cleaning agents should also be closed and kept in a safe place to avoid spilling. The chemical can cause severe skin damage that results in burns or damaged tissues and it's thus best to keep cats away from disinfected areas until they're dry and well ventilated.

Primary Medical Help

In order to treat pets suspected from toxicity, pet owners should contact the vet or the emergency animal care hospitals to determine the best treatment option. Cats that are poisoned by topical solutions should be bathed with plenty of warm water to reduce the effects of the poison. Cats that are affected severely require treatment with IV fluids and medication to reverse toxicity. Oxygen therapy and blood transfusions may also be necessary.

Preventive Tips

Pet owners should be aware of the symptoms of poisoning in order to treat the pet with prompt medical intervention. It's also best to inform the vet about the type of poison consumed if it's evident. In order to prevent accidental ingestion of toxins such as human medication, drugs should be kept out of reach. The flooring should also be cleaned in order to remove scraps or bits of food that the cat may ingest. Tobacco related products cause symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, weakness or death. Hence pet owners should also follow appropriate disposal measures for liquor and tobacco related products.

Since poisons are present both indoors and outdoors, it's important to be aware of substances that are toxic to pets and respond promptly if pets suffer from accidental toxicity.

