When Your Puppy is Depressed: Three Sources of Canine Depression

If you have wondered, "why is my puppy depressed?", then there are some things you should be aware of regarding puppies and depression. There are three main sources of canine depression and those are: change of scenery, separation anxiety, and an addition to the family. Please read the following about these main sources of depression, how you can prevent your puppy from being depressed, and some of the treatment methods available.

Change of Scenery

Your puppy can become depressed if you move from one location to another. Your puppy may become anxious in your new home because it has no sense of where he or she belongs. In your previous home, the puppy became adjusted to the smells and odors and used them to find the locations of its favorite or necessary things. Be sure to familiarize your puppy in the new home so he or she can adjust more quickly and with less anxiety,

Separation Anxiety

Your puppy may become overly attached to you or to its favorite toy. When you or the toy are not in the puppy's presence, he or she may become anxious and depressed. Insecure puppies must be taught that you or the toy will return and not abandon him or her. By doing this, the puppy will come to understand that it can be by itself and will become more secure in your absence. A great way to help your puppy feel secure is through behavior training. Through this training, your puppy can feel more secure in itself by learning behaviors through rewards. Plus, you will be spending time with your puppy and creating a secure bond between the two of you.

Addition to the Family

If your puppy is used the getting all of the attention, he or she may become depressed when the spotlight now must be shared with someone or something else. Be sure to give your puppy proper attention, but not overly shower him or her with affection. You want your puppy to be secure and happy, however, spoiling the puppy with attention to make up for the attention you are giving to the new addition will not benefit your puppy.

Treatment for the Depression

In mild cases of puppy depression, the symptoms may linger for several weeks up to a month. Also with the milder cases, medication may not be necessary or effective to treat the symptoms of the depression. In severe cases, depression can linger for months or even years. In severe cases of puppy depression, your vet may prescribe pet Prozac. This will help carry your pet through the worst period of his or her depression.

