Dietary Kidney Stones Treatment for Dogs

The kidney stones treatment may depend on various factors such as the age of the dog, the type of the kidney stone and the size and number of the stones. However, commonly, the vet will prescribe a diet that will help eliminate the stones, dissolve the existing stones or prevent the occurrence of new kidney or bladder stones.

Treatment Options for Kidney Stones Treatment

The kidney stones can be treated in various manners, depending on the size and the composition of the stones:

  • Flushed with water, if the stones are smaller in size
  • Dissolved with water and a change in diet, giving the dog more acidic food
  • Surgery, if the stone is large and the dog doesn’t eliminate the stone in a given period of time
  • No treatment, if the vet establishes that the stones will not cause any urinary blockage

Dietary Kidney Stones Treatment for Dogs

Often, a dietary change will be recommended to dogs that have kidney stones or are prone to developing kidney stones.

The diet plays an important role in the dog’s health and the diet may be one of the causing factors of the kidney stone development. For instance, a dog that eats dry food alone and the food is filled with minerals the dog doesn’t need, these minerals will turn into crystals in the dog’s urine and are very likely to transform into kidney stones.

Also, a vegetarian diet or a diet that is poor in proteins can make the dog’s urine more alkaline and the lack of acidity can facilitate the formation of crystals and kidney stones.

Determining the Dog’s Diet

The dog’s diet can be determined based on the composition of the kidney stones. For this, the dog needs to eliminate at least 1 kidney stone for analysis. This can be problematic and owners often fail to identify the stones eliminated by the dog, as these are very small.

However, if a stone can be analyzed, the vet can establish what elements are in excess in the dog’s diet and are deposited in the kidneys. Most commonly, these materials are:

  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Ammonia
  • Carbonates

One or several of these minerals may be in excess in the dog’s diet and the vet will prescribe a diet that is low or lacks these minerals.

The vet will also recommend canned food, which contains more liquids and is healthier for the dog’s kidneys.

The liquid intake of the dog is equally important. If the dog drinks plenty of fresh water, this can help eliminate the kidney stones. A poor water intake can facilitate the formation of kidney stones.

Foods to Avoid

The vet will not recommend generic dog food and kibble food for dogs that have kidney stones.

The dog should avoid foods such as:

  • Milk products, which are rich in calcium
  • Vegetables in excess, which are filled with minerals and also make the urine more alkaline
